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"Does not compute:" Celebrity anonymity and the internet

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"Does not compute:" Celebrity anonymity and the internet

This URL - like all others - is an auspicious collection of letters and punctuation on its own. Not much of a threat, is it?

Yet, if you have been in touch with the news within the last week, it would have been hard to miss that this innocuous group of symbols stood for something far more sinister - the unlawful publication of sensitive, private information of notable figures (both political and entertainment-oriented), gained through methods of cyberterrorism.

I say cyberterrorism - as, in effect, that's what it is - but reports suggest that no significant cracking was necessary for the malicious parties to access the data that they publicized. Credit monitoring company Experian PLC's press statement summed it up quite well: "Criminals accessed personal credential information through various outside sources, which provided them with sufficient information to illegally access a limited number of individual reports from some US credit reporting agencies."

In short, private information of less security relevance - birthdates, addresses, and family connections, to name a few - were compiled and used in order to access account data through the same login portal as the general public would use.

Heck, even nobodies like us have our age and a reasonably current city location publicized on for the whole world to see - whether you are involved in social media (ever-accused by the general public of being the premiere source of private information on the internet, despite the fact that the Facebook user is the party to blame for voluntarily filling out their personal life in the form boxes) or not.

By comparison, consider the mounds of private dirt about film or television personalities that winds up on the public side of the internet. You don't even have to go past the free version of the Internet Movie Database to find out that Sophia Loren has an apartment in the Trump World Tower in New York City, and learn the names of her three grandchildren and respective parents (not to mention that "[e]verything you see is owed to spaghetti").

Perhaps this case is the perfect example to drive home the point that "internet security" and "privacy" are complete fallacies, especially to the person involved in the entertainment industry. There are no such things, only limited safeguards. One-way and hash encryption can be quite secure, but they are no match for someone behind that wall of encryption (an insider), or plain and simple ingenuity (as with the case).

In short - there is no such thing as privacy on the internet for celebrities.

But who needs a celebrity? If you've filled out every single form box in your Facebook personal profile in your pajamas at 5:00 in the morning, you might become one too*.

-Kurt Kaminer

*Especially if your profile states you're a 25-year-old single woman in Miami with an interest in men who like old muscle cars. I'll be aggregating that data. Personally.

To read more about internet privacy:


At 3/19/2013 8:10 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I completely agree with you about there being no such thing as privacy in the internet. These days, companies and websites promise absolute privacy on certain details just for the sake of gaining the trust of their clients. It really is a scary thing to think that you are never really safe inputting information on any site.

I know a few really talented IT geeks and, from their perspective, all you need is to know the right hacking techniques and you can really mess a person's personal world up (Not that I hang out with people that choose to do that sort of thing, they are just capable enough to do it.)

At 3/20/2013 11:31 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I understand that you are very sympathetic with the celebrities but remember that they are the one that at the begging of their carrier they exposed themselves looking for fame now their private life is no private anymore and is all over Facebook, twitter and others. In the contrary when we go online we are not looking for fame we were looking for information, doing a research or purchasing a book and we also are expose and our information is all over the internet and we can only hope that doesn’t fall in to wrong hands

At 3/21/2013 1:57 PM , Blogger Man with the 5D said...

I beg to differ. Though some public figures may expose private information by choice, much of this publication can be blamed on the paparazzi effect - publicizing far more than any notable figure may have expected or desired. Granted, this has become commonplace, but it should not be considered acceptable (therefore legitimizing "blaming the victim").

Regardless, no individual - celebrity, politician, or otherwise - should feel that their public status also legitimizes the publication of ABSOLUTELY private information (SSN's, bank information, etc).

-Kurt Kaminer

At 3/21/2013 1:59 PM , Blogger Man with the 5D said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 3/21/2013 1:59 PM , Blogger Man with the 5D said...

P.S.: The reply above is addressed to Carmen - it seems as if the system shows it as a reply to Joolz.


At 3/21/2013 9:01 PM , Blogger Kyle Ankney said...

This is exactly how I feel. With the amount of information we willingly share on the internet, coupled with the information we don't know is out there, any expectation of privacy seems far fetched.

At 3/23/2013 10:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Kurt, it is not just celebrities whose information is out there for the unscrupulous to take advantage of it. Celebrities are just bigger targets because of their chosen field, but they also have the means to help protect themselves.
But what about the average person, even ones who don't put it all out there on Facebook, hackers can still find ways to access their information for ill gotten gains. And for those of us, who do put our info out their on Facebook or other social media; I say, think before you do. Be Private.
Eva Prada


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